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Let’s learn about 10 best habits of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Holy Prophet PBUH is the last prophet of Allah. He is the best personality in the world which we must follow. Before Prophecy, He was known for his wisdom and kindness. People used to call him “Sadiq” and “Amen .”He is also known for his sincerity. His words are the last statement in everything. After the prophecy, he started his actual work. He started promoting and spreading the message of Allah with his exemplary actions. His actions and deeds are the core reason for people to accept Islam. He taught us that with your action, you could urge people to follow you. His ten best habits are also one of them which encouraged people to accept Islam. Today, we will learn some beautiful and profitable habits of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Habits of Holy Prophet PUBH

  1. Holy Prophet PBUH used to wake up early in the morning. At the time of Fajr namaz, he wakes up and starts preparing for namaz. He taught us late sleep is very bad for humans as it weakens your strength. Late sleep causes you many problems. Wake up early in the morning and start your day with Allah’s blessings.
  2. Be a helping hand to your spouse! The holy prophet told us that your spouse is your half of religion. Always help them with their household work. Your wife always needs your attention and help. Make them feel as important as you think when they fulfill your rights. They left their home for you, so help them. Doing work for them and helping them with their issues are the best option. This not only lowers their burden but also makes your relationship very strong.
  3. The holy prophet also used to eat slowly. Whenever he started his meal, he took at least 20 minutes to complete it. Because if you eat very fast, it is hard to dissolve your food. With slow eating, you can enjoy your meal and benefit from it. Also, the holy prophet used to eat a meal with his family. He taught us that share our dinner with our family and spread love in the family. When you share your meal with your family and friends, you make your relation more strong.
  4. Drink water slowly. Holy Prophet told us not to drink water too fast but slowly in two or three sips. If you consume quickly, you can feel severe health issues. But if you drink slowly, you can efficiently hydrate your body and take more benefits from water. It is also scientifically proven that drinking slowly has many benefits.
  5. Eat on time. It is scientifically proven that if you take your food at the correct time, it will be beneficial. Eating a meal on time has a profound impact on our bodies. Holy Prophet also used to eat on time. He eats slowly and on time. Also, he always keeps a distance between meals. Don’t eat all the time; your stomach needs some rest. It is Healy to perform a little fast. As Holy Prophet, Keep fast in between meals.
  6. Eat dates regularly; dates are known as energy boosters. After the workload and problems, it is tough to maintain your energy stable. So, Holy Prophet told us that we must eat dates every day. Dates are the most favorite dry fruit of the Holy Prophet PBUH. When he couldn’t find any food, he used to eat dates.
  7. Always speak gently, as Holy Prophet told us to speak gently with everyone. They get attached to you when you show love and respect for others. You cannot take the consent of people with force but love. Love and kindness is the best option for everyone to become part of others’ heart. Holy Prophet always spreads the message of Allah with love and affection. People used to accept Islam because of Holy Prophet’s behavior.
  8. Always greeting whenever you meet with anyone. Performing greetings are the best habit of the Holy Prophet PBUH, as he always greets this such with love. Greeting is very important whenever you meet with anyone. It shows kindness and affection.
  9. Spread what you have learned; it is the habit of the Holy Prophet to spread knowledge among your fellows. Share your experience and expertise in your society so that they can understand. Spreading knowledge is the best and most favorite habit of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.
  10. Always perform Salat on time; Holy Prophet said you must complete your prayer on time. It is the best thing to perform on time. Don’t be late with your prayers; instead, be punctual with your prayers. And recite Quran with love and affection to get guidance.


These are the ten best habits of the Holy Prophet PBUH, which we must follow. You can join “MyQuranTutor” for more extra knowledge and Quran learning. Join our sessions for better education and understanding of the Quran.


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